

Monday, August 24, 2009


昨天一天难得有机会在家休息,就已一颗很冷静的心思考一些事情,反省一下自己要怎样面对问题,解决它。我也不知道为什么可以很冷静地解决问题。因为我时常都是心很乱,很慌。。。突然灵感一来,看到一些事情原来是和一位朋友的故事很有联系。每个人都怪是火的错,然后大家都这样说,所以就是因为很多人说是火害到炸弹爆炸,它自己也开始自责了。可以用很多角度来看这事情。我先说第一,很多人都只会怪最接近炸弹的就是火,所以没看到是其他原因比如树叶,雷等的错。所以常听很多人说,当意外发生时,还是少插手会比较好,因为一不小心,可能就被误会成意外杀手。很多人只看到眼前看到的一切,却没去深入思考到底是什么发生? 什么才是root?

从另外一个角度,如果一个人的脾气很坏,不管遇到什么都是那么容易发脾气,所以不能够责怪因为有 你或他(火)而导致一个人(炸弹)发脾气,把全部错都怪在其他人(火)身上。别人就会看到都是因为这些人(火)咯,热到那个人(炸弹)爆炸。这样写不知会难明白吗?如果他是不容易发脾气(不会炮炸的炸弹),不管遇到什么都不会爆炸。



Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dream of Leaving

I wish to go to Singapore or KL working as long as not in Malacca.
I hate it again ... I think no other ways can solve this problems unless I disappear for few years. Then maybe time may delete some memories and help to recover the broken mirror. I know the fact is fact, can't reverse back. However, wish the broken mirror may change to new and fresh. I really want to work in Singapore. Maybe after I back, then everything will be fine. Cause of me, make you all so unhappy everyday. Then, you yourself asked me go rent house or leave... I know all these are angry words, but somehow, shouldn't said this kind of words. Since I was back, almost everyday I cried... I don't want the previous Jenny come back. I feel myself doing everything also feel uncomfortable. I really lost myself. I need to find out the real me.
Hope everything may recover on one day. I know it's coming soon.