

Sunday, February 22, 2009

你和你的问题 - 1

“在我的一生中,我从未向任何同意我意见的人中,学习到任何东西。”(Dudley Field Malone)
1) 降低自私的贪欲



Friday, February 20, 2009

My Dream will come true at the end

Finally, I saw some changes on me. I am so happy althought is only a little changes in myself. However it is a very big present for me to step in front again and continue my life of journey. This week is the 1st time I do things without depending more on others. Just like last few days, finally I take up initiative and challenge to complete the task that they gave me. Sorry cz done it for last minutes. Honestly speaking, i din really put my whole heart in doing anythings beside my homework. Cz I always depend on others to help me complete my task such as anything regarding the design poster or flyers. Althought I have heart and feelings want to do it and learn it, however my action is very slow and think too much.... Thinking Without Action won't make any good effects on the result. So, I am changing myself to be more passion, patient in doing everythings. Finally I step out this rough road cz I know I have to change myself. Cannot SLEEP already. I already sleep for fews YEARS ad... So... WAKE UP ! Finally i put all my efforts doing the flyers for MMU recruitment. And edit it ... again twice only nia... haha... Not very hard... Maybe they don't wan make me suffer... haha... So, complete my task.

Next, I receive msg that need me to make presentation about exchange on today. Cz they all busy with MMU recruitment and this coming IC and EPRB. So, Its seem like only me alone is free ? haha... Give me a task again ... Present ... o... What should I present? I have no much knowledge about OGX. haha... I thought some body sure will help me ... haha... so dun think about it 1st ... Then.. yesterday only got call that need me to present. haha... I must do some preparations. But HOW? How to make the session more interactive? HOW? I already give them I am a very cool and quiet person among themselves. How can I make them listen to me? I am quite worried about that matter. Maybe What I want is to get more attention from ppl. But somehow I feel shyness. haha... In some situations la... Then I prepare my ownself. keep asking ppl's help... But they seem like ... Haiz... Never mind.. I have to be independent. Think myself. Use my style of presentation. For addition, today I just heard my Lecturer said that " You think why they (the speaker) able to make such a fantastic speech? They had putted a lot of efforts on it, then only have such a triump today." I am very agree with what he told me... I have to change myself. I am doing changing now... Changing my life... Changing my habits... Changing my behaviour... Of cz all changing from bad to good... IMPROVEMENT. Finally, I am not as nervous as the 1st time I stand in front of public. I am able to present well (for me is considered good) today. However, I still need some improvement. I am thinking this is because whenever I have a opportunity to speak or present in front.. I definitely will GRAB for it for me to practice. And now I am taking the public speaking class... haha... train myself... Is a good experience for me althought it seem like need to do a lot of preparations before speaking in front... I spent whole day o 2 days to complete and well prepared my 2 minutes speech. After preparing and put so much efforts on it... u just use it for 2 minutes. Can you imagine? However... I believe that my dream will come true. I am walking on my road to success at the end.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009




Friday, February 6, 2009

Big big DREAM

haha... I have many dreams need to achieve. Let me tell you how greedy I am.

I want go travel all over the WORLD.
I want to be a confident people.
I want to be a mature people.
I want go other country work.
I want to have a fleksible work time in my future.
I want travel to 2 places of foreign country every year.
I want to have a good relationship with friends.
I want to have a good and happy life.
I want to have a happy family.
I want my partner is good, not only contribute money to family but also helping in household stuff. Both of us helping each other.
I want to educate and communicate with my children in English.
I want to be a good mother.
I want my family to be very rich.
I want to open my own business in 10 years time.
I want to be very rich... rich...
I want to help people who has broken family background and orphans.
I want open an orphanage to educate and recover them from bad memories.

Everthing I also want ... haha... I am so greedy. I am in the process to make my head bigger so that can fit the big hat that I want to buy. Currently I have no big head to fit my small head. haha....

Ganbatteh. Jenny, YOU CAN DO IT.......

Thursday, February 5, 2009


这几天都很忙,而且有点压力。我的星期一就一直在准备Speech, tutorial 都没时间做。星期二的一天就是tutorial了。我的一天一天就这样过去。。。我每次做什么都花很多时间和精神去才能完成好,而且还一直在修改内容,答案的。。。因为我觉得还有时间,还有机会修改到最完美。。可是,我的付出总是很大的,80/20。就如养兵千日,用在一时。
我每次都很冲忙的,所以想改变过得比较休闲的日子。不是冲冲茫茫的。。。可是刚才。。。真是。。。刚才下午我过去NILAI去找晨晖,帮我找学生答问卷以完成我的论文。下午三点,我就骑着单车过去火车站,一到那里,火车就在附近了。原本我想快点冲去的。。。可是,我知道是跑不及的,因为还要碩车头。所以就慢慢弄咯!到了NILAI,就要等巴士过去INTI,没多久巴士就来了。然后四点两个字才到。。。那么短路程都要花一个多小时才到。很浪费我时间,很想驾单车过去,又方便又快。只是不懂路吧了!算了。。。然后,他就带我去看看,就坐下来喝茶谈天,很搞笑咯!我要麻烦他帮我找六十位学生叻,应该是我请客嘛! 他却请我,还喂我到很饱。。。哈。。谢谢咯!等你来我学校看我表演,我一定不会亏待你的。。。五点九我就去等巴士回去了,等不到。。。慢了一步,跑了一辆。没关系。我等。。。等了二十分钟才有。到了火车站,火车又要到了。。赶快跑啊!最后被一位男生抢我的位,都不是他那列火车。。是我的啊!生气。。。生气。。。我还等二十分钟才有得回去开会。迟到了。。没法子。。等咯!谁知到了那里,我的单车竟然不听话,开不了。。。尝试了近二十次,才能。。。真的气死我了!很火。。然后控制自己,深呼吸。。。还好那时我了解到我在生气。。。哈。。。

Monday, February 2, 2009



